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This Is Our Story

In the heart of the Ohio Valley there is a river. Next to that river is a small school. In that school is a band program gaining ground towards greatness. With a dedicated group of hardworking members, significant progress has been made towards becoming a competitive band program. As the number of members grows, so does the excitement and anticipation for what's to come. The Frontier Band program is perseverance, passion, and the power of music's ability  to bring a community together.

Why band?

Improved abilities

Does band really make you smarter?

Click here to find out.

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Find Belonging

Band gives you the opportunity to find the friends you will have for a lifetime. Who will share your memories years from now?

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Lifelong Skills

Learn music and life skills that will benefit you for a lifetime. Click here for a list of some of the experiences that will benefit you.

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